Tuesday, November 30, 2010

my warm, fuzzy blanket

I woke up not to long ago.
It's 8am and I'm still sleepy.

If I could have anything in the world right now, it'd be
the opportunity to lay in bed with coop all day, watching
movies, essin bees, and drinking mimosas, oh and.... ;)

But, in reality, it's rainy and cold outside and I must go to
school while he goes to sleep (or whatever he does) in Japan.
I just want to cuddle with a man that isn't hairy and who's soft.
That's not such an easy thing to find.
They have some funnyyyy "boyfriend applications" online.
What twatssssss...

Monday, November 29, 2010

deep and moist

Last night I dreamt of psychological manipulation.
I wasn't always like this ya know.

Choice between hero or villain?
...that's a hard one ;)

Sunday, November 28, 2010


I have decided that I will be teaching myself German at the start of the new year... yes yes, random I know. BUT lets face the fact. That needs to be Step 1 in my big "plan 'o life". Germany here I comeeeeeeeeee!
I feel the SAME way, little girl. 
(yes this IS someone else's kid and YES i am creepy for using it)

all i want..BANG BANG BANG

Hummm...today was interesting. I woke up at 8 am with a wine hangover and was at work by 9:45. Once there, all the freaks of nature and creepers came out of the woodwork and jumped into my line. WHYYYY AM I A FUCKING CREEPER MAGNET?! AHHHHHH!!! I get sooOoOoOooo frustrated with my state of reality. Why cant a sexy (yet ULTRA dorky) surgeon ask for my number? Or a zookeeper? OR someone who doesn't make me feel super uncomfortable? !@#$%

But besides all the creepers and the hangover, I had a WONDERFUL day.
I just washed my hair for the first time in month...ahhhhh feels so good but wet dreadlocks suckkkk.
Dreadlock products are way to fucking expensive. Last week I ordered shampoo, lock peppa, and a tool. The total? FORTY FIVE DOLLARS! what?! (w/ a Boston accent...) YOU ASS HOLESSSS!!! YEAHHH YEAHHH YEAHHHHHHH!!!! :)

I had a crazy dream last night. Here are some insights:
rubber cement, fingernails, lemongrass, lubricant, marbles, and conversations at a molecular level. No wonder im such a psychopath. All night, every night, I dream of the craziest shit and wake up the next morning with it on my mind. That can be both good and bad.

Tonight I am feeling somewhat guilty. I don't make time for the people in my life who want "in" and want to hang out with me. Why I put them off I do not know... actually I do... wait, do I? Chelsea, you're doing it again. No im not. Yes you are.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Chelsea girl.

If things go horribly wrong, it's all my fault.
Im going to pay for ignoring my intuition,
it's a done deal.

A year later and here I am...
I love him as much as I did then, if more.
Tuesday was my nineteenth birthday.
I hoped to receive an early morning
phone call from him, in which he'd
wish me a happy birthday and tell me
how much he truly adores me.
Or even a simple message or email.
Shit, a 'Happy Thanksgiving!' would
have been nice.
Simply, nothing.

I am not bitter and I am not mad.
In fact, it doesn't matter.
I have the one man in this world 
that I absolutely adore.
Wouldn't trade him for the entire WORLD.

Today I am thankful for my family and the few true friends that I have, my health, my education, my retail therapy I took care of this morning, and my lover who's across the globe. Despite my bitchiness and passive aggression, I am thankful that I am a well rounded, rational person.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Smoke & Mirrors

Its official. I am nineteen year old as of an hour ago.

It shocks me how depressed I am about it, about getting old.
Time is moving so quick I can hardly breathe. 1/4 of my life is over.

These past few months have been a real eye opener. It's amazing what you can conclude when you can actually hear yourself think. All I do these days is think. Process. Rationalize. Organize. Dissect. Observe. The more you think about people and situations the sadder they become. I look back and reflect on the last five years of my life and the only things I truly walked away with, the TRUE investments, were the things I invested in myself. My schooling. My art. Everything else never manifested into anything, poor usage of my time and emotion. Nothing really matters in the big picture. Fuck, there is no "big picture". 
(or maybe im just a pessimist...naaaa)

It literally makes me sick to my stomach to think about the some of the friendships i've had. That's not good. I can easily say there is ONE person outside of my family that has never really let me down. ONE goddamnmotherfucking "true blue". ONEEEEE!!!! He is the one kid who pisses me off the most, who i've fought with more times then I can count. The friendship that has been called off then called back on, rinse and repeat. But besides all the bullshit, no one is like him. No one has ever taken care of me like he has. No one who has genuinely loved and cared about me. Jesus Christ, I think back to all the times I treated that kid like fucking d-i-r-t and the way he responded each time. This guys is rare. He is the most amazingly beautiful soul I know. I look to him with the up most respect. It brings tears to my eyes when I think about all the horrible shit that kid has gone through...yet....he came out on top and shines oh so bright. Yes, he has his flaws. MANY of them. But, needless to say, he has achieved a high ranking score in Chelsea's book, which we all know is near to impossible. Thank you Kyle Sanders. NO ONE has ever done has much for me as you have, ever.  
The others have been my friend as long as they got a piece of me. As long as they got something. I call those "fine print friends". You're useful as long as you can deliver. Im fucking sick of being a pawn. I refuse to invest myself in people who, at the end of the day, don't really give a flying fuck. I can name three off the top of my head, here and now. Goodbye. You're being cut and pasted into someone else's life. My time and effort are for people heading in the direction of the sun.

But, at the end of the day, I am only responsible for myself. It's just so hard when someone is a part of you. True honest to goodness love. VERYYYYY few are let in. Very fucking few. Im not holding on anymore. I've found my peace.

wool. cloves. Tom's lavender deodorant. word games. heat. marionettes. perfume. beetles. WB. dirty talk. comfort. rituals. mimosas. nail polish. leather bags. thongs. skin. dreadlocks. rage. eucalyptus. red stripe. acronyms. adderall. psytrance. routine texts. laughter. fuzzy socks. vials. cuddling. the smell of old. procrastination. vivid dreams. spell check. camel lights. steering wheel. taxidermy. 20 mph over. acai. quilts. dr bronner's peppermint soap. psychedelics. audio books. my first true love. sadness.

thank you to the memories and experiences of age eighteen.  
here's to nineteen and the mind numbing roller coaster called life.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

the deal breaker

My mind races and uncertainty bubbles to the top of my throat.
I poke at the idea that doesn't want to be bothered, but it's there,
laying dormant in the cracks and shadows, always taunting me.
The idea is rotting me from the inside out.
I try to rationalize and write it off; ignorance is key.
I know the way he works.
I know his ideas on love.
and all I can do is act like it's not KILLING me inside.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Men are something else, they really are. 
I compare them to small children and dogs....
just when you think you've seen it all, they do another trick...
This is where "shaping behavior" comes into play.
And yes, it is very, veryyy easy to do.

I don't want to start a debate on who's the lesser species...
ahemmm... deep down we all know...
Without women, the world would be a
jungle of ass play, laziness, warfare, and way,
WAY too much beer.

Reality check, Chelsea...
You. Cant. Change. People.
and that's so unfortunate...